Clifton Chase Homeowner's Association

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Welcome to the Clifton Chase Homeowners Association website!

Dear Clifton Chase Residents,

It's been awhile since we last updated this web site. As you all are aware, we conducted our annual Spring community meeting on May 17th, 2009 in the commons/field area. The Board is proposing improvements to the commons/field area with the addition of some trees, park benches, and possibly a small playground next year. We also are considering replacement of the front entrance signage due to missing and broken lettering.

Dues for 2009 are $100. Due by March 1, 2009. Or a payment plan is available again ($50 due Mar. 1, 2009 and $50 due Aug. 1, 2009). We have been doing well this year, with approximately 80% of homes having made payments on dues owed. The majority of past unpaid dues, including late fees, interest, and court costs have been collected. Please see the newsletters for updates on the budget and current expenses.

Just a reminder that dues include: Onyx Realty Management Fees: Accounts Receivable, Accounts Payable, Account Statements, Vendor Relations, Collections, Legal Fees, Manage Common Properties, and Bookkeeping, Insurance, Taxes, Electric Bill, and Landscaping: Mowing, Weeding, Fertilizing, Spring Clean Up, Trimming/Pruning of Shrubs & Trees, Mulching.

Our next community meeting will be in late September. We will notify everyone of the date right after Labor Day. This meeting will serve as our official Annual Meeting. Keep an eye out for the next quarterly newsletter to be issued in late July.

Please consider adding your name to our directory, click on About Us and joining our brand new Yahoo! Group (list serv).

Thank you-
Bruce Wernke, CCHOA Treasurer

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Copyright 2008, Clifton Chase HOA